Next Dragon’s Way Qigong® Class starts Oct. 6th

Learn Dragon's Way Qigong® - Includes Eating for Healing and Lifestyle Tips plus Wu Ming Qigong Movements. Meets Weekly Oct. 6th - Nov. 10

Join My Next Class!

Why Dragon’s Way Qigong®?

Dragon’s Way Qigong® brings the body back to a state of well-being. All health issues including weight gain, are signs from the body that it’s off balance. We know why and how to help you regain balance, restore quality health and enjoy renewed vitality. Once learned, you’ll have a new sense of freedom that’s yours for life.

Dragon’s Way Qigong is a full system of healing that gets to the root cause of imbalances. This program helps you reduce stress and rebuild energy. Our goal is to teach you how to maintain a healthy body, and enjoy a healthy life. The system includes Qigong practice, eating for healing, and lifestyle guidance. The benefits you receive are yours for life.


Lyndsey’s Story

When my son was just one, my body was begging me to rest and renew. As a single
mom, I was putting such a strain on my body to carry the weight of the world and
make it look easy.

As they say, when the student is ready the teacher appears. I found myself at
Melissa Laborsky MD's doorstep in the Spring of 2021. I had no idea what I was
in for, but I knew without a doubt my life and Soul were about to change.

My body was begging me to find rest, peace, and guiding me to seek a new road map to every ailment and all of life!

On the surface, I might have looked fine, but I was experiencing heart palpitations, insomnia, and ringing in my ears. The pain in my lower back and hips was so severe that the rare time when I did lay down to sleep, I could not because I was so uncomfortable. My hormones and mood swings caused conflict in my already dysfunctional home setting.

Along with the physical changes my body experienced I’ve been able to align with my Soul purpose, which brought my son and me to Baja Sur, Mexico. Where the Whales teach lessons on joy, palm trees vibrate sweet hellos, and the sun warms each playful smile. I also know that without my training and opening to the Qi of everything, I wouldn’t be able to see the magic as clearly as I do.

I’m ready to share the proven road map and thousands of years of Dragon’s Way Qigong® with you because I know this can change your life too!

-Lyndsey Jones

Since beginning TCM herbs, acupuncture, and experiencing Dragon’s Way Qigong with Melissa and Grand Master Nan Lu, I have achieved amazing results. Not only are all those ailments gone, but I’ve found more peace, ease, and grace in my everyday life.

I began training as a Dragon’s Way Qigong instructor while in the midst of this powerful transformation!

Learn More From My Teacheres

Traditional Chinese Medicine World Foundation

Melissa Laborsky MD

When a baby is born, a foot is dipped in ink and placed on a piece of cardstock. While this is used for identification purposes, it also serves as a keepsake for the new mother. As with fingerprints, every person has a unique set of ridges and patterns on their toes.

Throughout your life, you make your mark on the world…

 Lunch breaks appear to be going the way of the dinosaur. Yet taking even a 15- to 20-minute break helps boost concentration and energy levels, promoting greater efficiency and creativity. A lunch break (or several smaller breaks throughout the day) helps the brain recuperate after concentrating, decision-making, problem-solving, and communicating—tasks that can cause mental fatigue.

What you do on your break matters.

The hot days of summer are almost behind us and a chill can be felt in the early morning air. With windows open, we ready ourselves to welcome in the fresh new energy of Fall.
Every seasonal transition provides us the opportunity to tune inward and reconnect with Nature.

Have you noticed the differences that each season brings?

6- Week Program
October 6th

Well Of Being
Indianapolis, IN
6:15 pm

6-Week Program
October 6th

DragonFly Yoga Studio
Indianapolis, IN
11:15 am